Magazine  >  Issue 86  >  Plantiful Kiki has the Recipe for Success

Plantiful Kiki has the Recipe for Success

 Susan Sims, Publisher

As a longtime vegan, I never tire of searching social media for recipes and stories about people doing good for the planet and their health. I started following Plantiful Kiki on YouTube and fell in love with her refreshing approach to whole food plant based (WFPB) cooking. She is the first to admit that she likes to keep it simple which is right up my alley. Having lost over 70 pounds by following The Starch Solution by Dr. John McDougal, Kiki has turned her knowledge into her very own cottage industry by showcasing tips and recipes to lose weight while enjoying life with her family. Her family has adopted the WFPB diet as well and it’s a joy to see her young children and husband embrace the abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables grown on their own property in Colorado.

Susan Sims: In your WFPB journey, what stumbling blocks did you encounter along the way as it pertains to yourself? Along with weight loss, how soon did you begin to feel the health benefits?

Plantiful Kiki: The biggest stumbling block I came across was not knowing where to start in the kitchen. All of the recipes I looked up were so complicated and time consuming that it made transitioning to a plant-based lifestyle feel overwhelming. This is why I started developing my own simple recipes.

I started feeling better within a few weeks of going plant based. I found that I had more energy, less foggy brain, and I was sleeping better!

SS: How old is Nacho?

PK: Nacho is four years old. He is a Bichon Shih-Tzu Mix (Shichon).

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