Blog  >  How I Spent My Summer Vacation - FIDO Style - The Whole Biscuit

How I Spent My Summer Vacation - FIDO Style - The Whole Biscuit

Josh and Liz dashed from house to truck—tailgate down, doors gaping, Kenny Chesney blaring. Out the front door went backpacks that smelled like lake water. Tote bags that smelled like bug spray. Sleeping bags that smelled like wood smoke. I clenched a toy in my teeth while Casper jumped his four-legged dance and circled to sniff my tail. He obviously knew he was going on vacation.

“Branji? Too difficult. Barks at everything that moves,” Liz told Grandma on the phone yesterday.

So, while Josh loaded Casper’s crate, food, and water dish, Liz gathered supplies for me—kibble, treats, leash—and stacked them on the counter. Just like last month, I would stay back.

Their exit was quick. The house door slammed. A key turned in the lock. I ambled to the front room and rested my paws on the windowsill. I poked away the curtain to watch Casper hop in back, Liz in the passenger seat and Josh in the driver’s seat. A few barks from me failed to get their attention and the Ford F-250 disappeared without a wave. I knew Casper would be panting already about swimming and boat rides and leftover bratwurst.

I jumped to my favorite couch cushion. Closed my eyes. Dreamed.



“Branji! Where’s my good dog? Good boy.” Voices woke me and I scrambled to the door. Grandma bent to pet me. “Oh, look at you. A fresh haircut. What a handsome boy.”

Grandpa ruffled my neck and patted my head and rubbed my sides. “Ready for a car ride?”

I answered with a bark and then scampered so fast I slid on the wood floor.

They grabbed my stuff, locked the door and hustled me to their back seat. With my hind legs on the floor and front legs pawing Grandpa, we drove off.



Then, while Casper, Josh and Liz camped with mosquitos, I settled in air-conditioned rooms. While Casper, Josh and Liz shivered in a tent, I snuggled under blankets. While Casper, Josh and Liz cooked meals over an open fire in the pouring rain, I ate bits from barbeque takeout.

All week, two yips from me and Grandpa took me walking—with a treat when we returned. And not just a nibble. The whole biscuit. Then naps in Grandpa’s lap, shredded chicken from Grandma’s cutting board and then scraps from the dinner table. Afternoons in the hammock. Evenings in the recliner. Twenty-four-seven cuddles and hugs.

 I tried to act excited when Josh and Liz and Casper returned, but I can’t wait until they vacation again.


Essay by

Branji as told to Nancy Jorgensen

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