Blog  >  Urgent help needed for dogs in the Colorado wild fires

Urgent help needed for dogs in the Colorado wild fires

FIDO's friend Ricochet is helping raise funds for pet oxygen masks to save dogs caught in these awful fires.  Please read Rocochet's message below and let's help make a difference!

Hey everyone,

I'm sure you've heard about the devastating fires in Colorado. Well, Ricochet has set up a fundraiser to get as many pet oxygen masks as possible to Colorado fire stations through the Emma Zen Foundation.

 Since it's only the beginning of fire season, she'd also like to raise enough money to get oxygen masks to as many states that are high risk for fires, BEFORE a fire strikes.

 Each mask costs $75 (3 sizes per kit). Please make a donation of any size… even a buck helps at this link

 Please forward this email, share on FB, Twitter, blogs, Google+, Pinterest, and anywhere else people would be interested in helping to save pet lives. Thank you so much.

 Surf dog Ricochet 

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