Magazine  >  Issue 57  >  Katherine Heigl

Katherine Heigl

Life as we know it with Katherine Heigl and her love of dogs.

Emmy Award-winning actress Katherine Heigl knows how to deftly deal with camera-touting paparazzi at movie premieres and award shows. Her bigger challenge is eluding her pup posse at home in order to arrive at these soirees not sporting dog hair on her designer gowns.

“Once I get on my dress, I try to avoid my dogs, but if I can’t and they jump on me to say goodbye, I rely on sticky rolling brushes—they are a godsend,” she laughs. “Of course, I’ve been out on errands in black leggings and it looks like I’m sprouting fur on my legs. You know what? When I’m not in public or being photographed, I love being covered in dog hair. I love my dogs.”

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