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Travel Map

Explore our interactive map of Fido-friendly destinations so you never have to leave Fido behind! GO!

Travel Tips

  • When traveling with pets in extremely hot weather, you will want to make sure the air conditioning...

  • As far as feeding your pet, you might want to curb the usual amount so as not to create too many...

  • If you and your pet are the active sort, bring plenty of towels. You can wipe your feet at the...

  • If you know your dog will jump on the furniture and bed, bring a couple of sheets to use as...

  • Check ahead for daycare and pet sitters before you travel. Needing one may present itself when you...

Recent Articles

  • Bowser on a Budget

    Fido at Refinery Hotel in New York, NY
    Paris Permenter and John Bigley

    Luxury in the Heart of the Garment District
    Previously a millinery, the Garment District’s Refinery Hotel now tips its hat to welcome dog travelers. The hotel’s loft-style rooms have no pet fees and welcome dogs under 40 pounds. Located around the corner from Bryant Park for a dog walk with skyline views, the hotel is also just a 15-minute stroll from the city’s...

  • Asheville, North Carolina

    Asheville's Temporary Puppy Parking located at Bears Smokehouse

    Asheville elevates each day with natural and manmade majesty.

    Photos and Story by Robin Tierney

    Sipping Champagne surrounded by hundreds of fine books? Feasting your eyes on spectacular artworks, including some that depict canines? Traipsing along a riverside path landscaped like a long, winding botanical garden? Hiking and driving on stunning mountain routes? Beholding ahhh-inspiring blooms in...

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