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FIDO Attends Beneful Dream Dog Park Opening!

Honey Belle, a German Shepherd mix, and her human, Jenny Wilson, (pictured here) won last year's Beneful Dream Dog Park Contest, and they finally got their chance to play in their grand prize when the park officially opened on July 12th.

Purina flew FIDO Friendly’s Susan Sims in to Alabaster, AL for the Beneful Dream Dog Park Opening. It was a star-studded event as Eric Stonestreet, who plays Cameron on ABC-TV's hit comedy "Modern Family" and is a dog lover, was on hand for the unveiling of the park. Other guests included Jason Cameron, host of the DIY network's Desperate Landscapes who managed the dog park renovation; nationally known pet expert Arden Moore, who made sure everything included in the park was based on the dog point of view and of course, our own Susan Sims!

The one-acre park, situated inside Veterans Park, included such elements as a football fetch field, water splash pads and an adventure path with agility elements.  Activities for the day lasted until 1 p.m., and included dancing with dogs, paw painting and a photo booth.

Check out these videos for more information and a peak at the Opening!


Welcome to Alabaster | Beneful® Dream Dog Park

Hang out in the Heart of Dixie with Mayor David Frings as he tours the renovated grounds that will soon become the Alabaster Dream Dog Park which Jenny and her dog, Honey Belle's Entry helped inspire. Learn more about the Beneful® Dream Dog Park Co

Eric Stonestreet unveils Beneful Dream Dog Park

Eric Stonestreet, Emmy Award-winning actor on the hit TV show Modern Family and one of TV's most playful personalities, is helping to inspire more play by inviting dog owners across the country to enter the third annual Beneful Dream Dog Park Contest

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