Magazine  >  Issue 69  >  Welcome to Dog Paradise

Welcome to Dog Paradise

Happy dogs take a break from city life in Mendocino.

By Heike Hellwig

Mendocino had been on our list of places to discover for several years and at last, my husband and I along with our Catahoula Leopard Dog, Jazz, were ready for the journey. After a long road trip along the coast (and countless stops to hunt for antiques), our Mendocino experience began as soon as we exited freeway 101 and onto highway 128. With the windows lowered to Jazz’s liking, we passed through Anderson Valley (known for its wineries) and toured through its gorgeous countryside towards the ocean. The spring season was in full bloom and the hillsides covered in colors. Be- fore long, California Redwoods, that hugged the road, chaperoned us to the coast. The entrance into the seaside town of Mendocino simply took our breath away.

Immediately, we were taken by the picturesque, wild flower covered bluffs and crashing surfs. With her head out the window, Jazz, took in the salty air and signaled that she was ready to exit the car and go for a swim. We chose a small beach and watched as she ran and played in the water—pure happiness!

Now that our pup had gotten a good workout, we were ready to get settled at the MacCallum House, our home for the next two nights. The “Mac House”, as locals call it, is a Victorian Inn and historical landmark, surrounded by lush gardens and expansive lawns, just perfect for Fido. We were warmly welcomed by the friendly staff and quickly checked in (pet fees are $40 per night). Our residence was the “Barn”, which featured beautifully restored rooms, river-stone wood-burning fireplaces, decks and ocean views. Jazz promptly took possession of the luxurious accommodation including the deck with views of the grounds, the town and the sea. Our Fido-friendly room included a care pack- age for our pup (a pet bed, blanket and towel along with stainless steel water and food dishes on a rubber matt) and a hand-written welcome note with a bottle of wine (Husch Vineyards, Anderson Valley) from Herman Seidell, the General Manager.

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